Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An All Too Typical Morning at Casa Tuel

First, I woke up late, because I stayed up until quarter to three watching a British police procedural.

Then I noticed that the lymph node under my left ear was still large, hard, and sore. I have been watching this lump the last three days, putting heat on it, and it has not shrunk. It's still hard and painful. This really concerned me, so that started a round of phone calls: to Swedish Breast Imaging to cancel the mammogram I had scheduled for tomorrow; to my PCP's triage nurse to talk about the lump, and make an appointment to see my PCP to check out the lump, to my oncologist's office to cancel the mammogram online follow up appointment I had for Thursday.

So far, so good. 

Called my son in Tacoma to tell him what was going on. While we were talking, I knocked over a large glass of water onto the table, and me, and the floor, plus my Chromebook and my phone. As we all know, water does not play nice with electronics. I put the Chromebook in a garbage pail, standing on its end to let the water run off, I dried the phone off with a towel. Neither appear to be harmed by the water.

There were two towels on the floor and one on the table at this point. 

I spill water and other beverages all the time. It's a normal occurrence here. I could posit a lot of reasons: clumsiness, not being aware of my surroundings, moving an arm impulsively. This was a larger than usual catastrophe, because it was such a big glass of water.

While I was mopping the water up with towels, I knocked over an open prescription bottle and the pills scattered in the water on the table. Oh, carp. I quickly began picking up the pills to put on a towel to dry (yes, if you are keeping track, there were a lot of towels in play by this time) to dry out. They were slimy and slippery, so extremely difficult to pick up. I could only get one or two at a time. Finally grabbed a scrap of paper and used it like a dustpan, pushing the pills onto the paper which I could then use to set them out to dry. 

They look a little fuzzy from their brief swim. When dry I'll put them back in their container. 

All this happened in the first hour and a half I was up. 

I can't wait to see what other surprises the day brings.

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