Monday, January 18, 2010

How Can I Keep From Singing?

Women, Women & Song used to sing this song, in three-part harmony. We started our first concert with it, and we ended our last concert with it.
You might say the song resonated with me. I first heard it sung by Pete Seeger, long, long ago, and then by a lot of people, including me. I sang it during labor with my second son; I sang it in the ambulance on the way to the hospital after my car accident ten years ago. The singing seemed to ease the pain.
It's a great song, and I know that I am only one of many who love it.


  1. Beautiful, friend. Simply beautiful, and thank you for singing.

  2. Hi Mary!

    I tried to play the video tonight, but got an error message that said it wasn't currently available & to try again I'll check back. I love that song too.

    Meanwhile, thought I would say hi. Hope you are both hanging in there!


  3. I love this new feature of yours, Mary. Great idea!!
