Saturday, October 5, 2018
January at the Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey made a speech about women revolting
against sexual violence.
response, Steve Bannon, right wing professional poisoner of cultural wells,
responded, “The anti-patriarchy movement is going to undo 10,000 years of
recorded history. You watch. The time has come. Women are gonna take charge of
society …”
thought, jeepers, he’s saying that like it’s a bad thing.
was saying it as a booga-booga thing. Be very scared: women want power and
control. They want respect. They want to be the ones who record history. They
don’t want to be raped anymore. They don’t want to be lied to or laughed at, or
about, anymore. They don’t want to be afraid anymore.
are a lot of other things women want (pockets) and don’t want (mansplaining),
but I only have 800 words here. Apparently, the thought of women overthrowing
the patriarchy makes some men’s testicles retreat ‘way up into their bodies.
and his ilk don’t have to worry about the women taking over any time soon. Today
the Senate confirmed the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,
against the will of most of the American people.
this is not the end of the world. It’s not good, but it’s not the end.
last few weeks have been tough. Many women and men, including me, have been
triggered by the testimony of the women who came forward to testify that
Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted them. Our sexual abuse and assault stories
have come to life again. Some people have been talking about what happened for
the first time. Some people have been sobbing. Some people have been outright
throwing up.
confirmation to the Supreme Court has confirmed that in the USA it’s okay to
sexually assault women, insult women, laugh at women, and not believe women.
Also boys. All children, all women.
ago, when Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing propagandists came on the scene, I
could not see how anyone could take them seriously. They were irrational. They
were mean and vindictive. They claimed to support our troops but were vicious
to any vet who opposed any part of our wars. They whined and claimed to be
victimized by people on Medicare and Food Stamps. They lied, made stuff up, and
stoked fear, and people believed them. I could not see why – what they said was
so transparently bull pucky. All emotion and no reason. How could anyone
swallow that tripe?
people did swallow that tripe, raw and whole. Even people I thought were
intelligent. And look where we are now.
I was raised in a conservative Republican family, so I tend to be comfortable
around conservative people. I have Republican relatives with whom I have agreed
that relationships are more important than politics.
I had a friend from way
back who became a radical right winger. I know a Navy vet with whom I have
something in common, the concern for the needs of blue water sailors, Navy vets
like my husband Rick, who were exposed to Agent Orange, but who don’t get
had to block a couple of these people from my Facebook page. They don’t seem to
be able to control the impulse to attack my political views or stop themselves
from being rude to my friends. When they come onto my timeline and fire off
some nasty insults or racist remarks, I consider that the equivalent of coming
into my house and taking a dump on the rug. So I think, didn’t your mother
raise you better than that? Then I go to settings and block them. Peace. It’s
assure you that when the women take over we will not eradicate recorded
history. We might give the record a more honest, inclusive take, so there will
be fewer of those reveal articles that are always coming up: “Did you know that
so-and-so was (black) (gay) (Native American) (a woman) (other)?” or “Did you
know that we made it into space because of black woman mathematicians?” for
example. Somehow recorded history has neglected to record a lot of that
women ran the world, maybe they’d screw things up as badly as men have. Or
maybe they wouldn’t. Who knows?
only wish I could live to see the day when women have the chance to de-throne
the patriarchy.
wish I could live to see the day when human beings realize that we are all in
this together.
election is the sixth of November. Our ballots come in the mail, and the return
envelopes are now postage paid. There is also a secure drop box at the Vashon
library. *VOTE!